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Holiday Headlines Letter — November 2023

Please see below for the Chinese translation. 如需閱讀中文版本,請參考下列翻譯。

Dear TAS Parents and Guardians, 

As the Thanksgiving holiday approaches, it's a fitting moment to reflect on the deep value of gratitude and community. Whether family, friends, or the circles of support we create for ourselves, many of us are fortunate to enjoy togetherness. I most certainly have felt the warmth of your welcome, and I thank you deeply for it, especially as we recognize the crucial importance of well-being and belonging for all. 

I am grateful for the commitment, adaptability, and spirit our school community demonstrates. The partnership between the school and its families is a cornerstone of what makes TAS the special place that it is.   

Our Gratitude Report, included in Caroline Baugh’s post below, will provide a closer look at our collective achievements and the moments that have enriched our school. 

I also want to express my appreciation to the 633 parents who participated in our recent Community Survey. Your feedback is vital, informing our path forward and ensuring we meet the needs and aspirations of our community. 

I'd also like to share my sincere appreciation for the hard work that the PTA has dedicated to our community this semester, from the joyful Family Fall Festival at the end of last month to the grade-level coffee hours that many of you have enjoyed. The sense of community and joy has been evident, highlighting our shared values and connections. 

As we approach the holiday break, I hope we all take a moment to consider the many reasons we have to be thankful, both within our school community and in our personal lives. Wishing you a peaceful and joyful holiday with close friends or family. 

Warm regards, 

Evelyne Estey

Interim Head of School 




後面Caroline Baugh的文章中會有我們今年度的感恩報告,可以讓您更深入瞭解我們本學年共同的努力成果和這個學年的美好時刻。 

我還要感謝 633 位參與了我們近期社群調查的家長。你們的回饋至關重要,為我們指明了前進的方向,也確保我們符合社群的需求和願望。 

從上個月底的秋季同樂會到許多家長都喜歡的各年級咖啡時光, PTA 在本學期為我們社群付出了許多辛勞辦活動,我也要為此表達我的誠摯感謝。校園內充滿了社群意識和喜悅的氛圍,這正顯示出我們共同的價值觀和緊密連結。 



Evelyne Estey 代理總校長