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Our Strategic Plan and the Future of TAS

The Taipei American School Strategic Plan will provide a framework in which to define and pursue our shared goals for the years 2021 to 2026. It builds on our community's many strengths and focuses our energies and resources on those issues identified as priorities by the community. The plan encourages a multidimensional approach to achieving significant time-bound goals across five strategic areas listed below that are critical to the School's future. Rationale and objectives for these five areas have been carefully deliberated and articulated within this plan, guiding our ambitions, continuous improvement efforts, and institutional investments.

Introducing the 2021-2026 Strategic Plan

Please click below to read the letter to the community from the Board of Directors introducing the 2021-2026 Strategic Plan, sent to the community in late May 2021.

The Strategic Plan 2021-2026

Click below to view the full PDF of the 2021-2026 Strategic Plan. 

Taipei American School Strategic Plan 2021-2026

Discover More

If this sounds like the type of education you want for your child or the kind of learning community you wish to join, we invite you to explore the people, places, and programs that help us foster our definition of success for every student on our campus.

Our Community

Our Campus

Our Academics


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