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The Taipei American School Profile

Once a Tiger, Always a Tiger.  

Every year, Taipei American School produces a school profile that it submits to colleges and universities around the world to help those organizations better understand the mission, values, curriculum, culture, and learning outcomes behind a TAS diploma. We also provide demographic and other related data to help people picture our graduates' accomplishments and future potential.

Please check this webpage every fall for the newest version of the school profile.


We present to you The Class of 2025.  

The Class of 2025 is comprised of 205 students; 10% of them have spent their entire academic life at Taipei American School. All students hold a foreign passport, with the majority holding American citizenship. In the fall of 2024, 85% of our graduates matriculated at colleges and universities in the United States; the rest enroll in tertiary education around the world, with Canada, the United Kingdom, Korea, Japan, Australia and the Netherlands being popular destinations. TAS students typically submit an average of 10-13 applications for admission consideration.


View the SY 24-25 School Profile

Oh, the Places Tigers Go!

The Class of 2024 attended...

73 Different Colleges and Universities across the United States and Canada

10 Different Colleges and Universities across Europe and United Kingdom

6 Different Colleges and Universities across Australia and the Asia-Pacific Region

What is the TAS Experience Like?

What is the TAS Experience Like?

“ Our philosophy is that the college process is an incredible time for self-reflection, exploration, and realization; we take great care in seeing our students as individuals. Everyone has something to offer, and many options exist where they will find success, no matter what path they take. 

Melanie Hamre

Director of College Counseling

“ By the time our students graduate from Taipei American School and are ready to leave for college they are confident, thoughtful, and well-prepared for success. They cherish their memories and lessons from high school, and while they might be relieved to move on to the next chapter, they leave with gratitude and anticipation.

Dr. Brandon Maguire

Upper School Dean of Students

“ Our goal at Taipei American School is for students to grow into ethical, healthy, and happy individuals. This means understanding work-life balance, valuing time with family, connecting with the community, and making the most of life's opportunities. 

Becky Read

Upper School Principal

“ The secret to our Tech Cube's success is that our program isn't actually about robots. Robotics is just a great way to reach a diverse group of students.  It’s really about creative problem-solving, working collaboratively, and finding your unique value on a team. And growth in all of these areas is based fundamentally on failure. Failure gives students the chance to figure out their value by what they can contribute to a team, and that each person is valuable for a different reason. It’s a chance to learn to take joy in trying and failing, which is a skill they will absolutely need in the future.

Matt Fagen

Director of the Tech Cube

The Taipei American School Profile | 2024-25 [Video]

The Taipei American School Profile | 2024-25 [PDF]

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The Taipei American School Profile | 2023-24 [Video]