Objective: Focus on learning results that consider the whole child (including social-emotional, intellectual, and physical wellbeing), defining success beyond what is reported on the academic transcript and college acceptance.
1. Embrace the use of data analytics to support robust understanding of student achievement and wellbeing.
2. Strengthen the connection between TAS curricular standards and classroom assessment, in order to facilitate the monitoring, analysis, and support of student progress.
3. Provide professional development to assist in the improvement of assessment standards and practices.
Objective: Balance academics with preparation for life beyond TAS by preparing students to be good, purposeful, global citizens.
1. Define the skills progression for each of the Essential Capacities and devise strategies for their assessment.
2. Ensure students are capable of effectively learning outside of the traditional classroom, including through online learning.
Objective: Define and systematically develop students' information literacy and critical thinking skills, thereby teaching students how to learn, including how to engage in metacognition.
1. Identify and adopt KA-12 information literacy, critical thinking, and argumentation standards.
2. Hire additional librarians to support co-teaching and increase the number of technology and design coaches in the Middle School and Upper School.
3. Provide faculty with ongoing professional development to support the creation and implementation of information literacy standards and practices.
Objective: Ensure cross-divisional curricular alignment and collaboration among students and between faculty.
1. Continue to pursue implementation of the Curriculum Articulation and Alignment Roadmap, as adopted by the divisional principals and office of the deans.
2. Explore the development of professional learning communities (PLCs) across the School.
Objective: Provide students with opportunities for project-based learning and problem solving across the curriculum, finding more opportunities for service where appropriate.
1. Create opportunities for course prototyping, especially in the Middle School and Upper School, ensuring those prototypes are explicitly pilot programs of defined duration, with agreed-upon goals and measures of success, providing teachers with full-time equivalent (FTE) in addition to their current course load for developing and teaching those pilot courses.
2. Find ways to incorporate real-world problem solving into the curriculum with an eye towards working with local partners to implement solutions that are identified as part of those projects.
Objective: Appropriately break down subject area boundaries to allow students to make interdisciplinary connections and learn how disciplines work together to allow people to identify and solve complex problems.
1. Create pilot programs of defined duration, with agreed-upon goals and measures of success.
2. Provide teachers and administrators with professional development to support those efforts.
Objective: Embrace the appropriate amount of differentiation and personalized learning across the curriculum while continuing to ensure the use of student-centered pedagogy.
1. Support the use of data analytics to provide better understanding of student needs and increased personalization.
2. Support professional development regarding how to both effectively analyze data and appropriately personalize student learning.
3. Hire additional personnel for both cross-divisional coordination of academic support and student support services in the Upper School.
4. Facilitate the integration of language support for all students throughout the School.
Objective: Include anti-bias education that represents a broader range of diverse voices across the curriculum.
1. Evaluate the need for and, if necessary, hire an administrator focused on KA-12 Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (JEDI).
2. Promote professional development and parent education in this area, with a particular focus on promoting the readiness and ability of adults to have meaningful JEDI conversations that support the School's JEDI community commitment.
3. Review the curriculum to identify areas for increased inclusion, increasing the diversity of representation as necessary.
Objective: Incorporate elements of digital citizenship in the curriculum.
1. Support the professional development and acquisition of curricular resources necessary to incorporate those elements into the curriculum.
2. Consider increasing the number of technology and design coaches in the Middle and Upper Schools.
Objective: Provide students and faculty with opportunities for creativity and innovation, nurturing appropriate risk-taking.
1. Promote the use of standards-based assessment to promote student focus on academic growth rather than achievement.
2. Provide professional development and parent education in these areas.