A Focus on Multilingualism
To support our community of multilingual learners, our Lower and Middle School provide English language support to students who would benefit from additional tools and instruction as they build their confidence and develop their multilingualism in the classroom and beyond.
Lower School English-Language Development
Our Lower School celebrates the multilingualism of its student body and utilizes research-based best practices to promote English language development. The sheltered immersion model in the Lower School engages multilingual learners of all levels of English language development in the same learning experiences so that all students have access to the curriculum. In this model, all students learn together all day and benefit from the linguistic diversity of their peers.
EAL Specialists collaborate with teachers and provide language-rich materials and resources to ensure the success of all multilingual learners across subjects. In the Lower School, EAL Specialists monitor the English language development levels of all multilingual learners with classroom teachers to determine individual language needs.
Middle School English-Language Development
English as an Additional Language (EAL) support in the Middle School is specifically designed to meet the needs of our multilingual learners, to help all students develop the language skills needed to access the curriculum.
Students in the Middle School, whether they are coming from the TAS Lower School or another organization, must have a high proficiency in academic English to succeed in their classes and to take advantage of the many opportunities offered at TAS. Multilingual learners who are approaching grade-level proficiency in English but would still benefit from additional language instruction and monitoring are placed in the EAL Immersion program. Instead of taking a world language class, these students receive academic language support and instruction from an EAL specialist for five periods in each six-day cycle. They have equal access to all core classes and electives.
At the end of every semester, a holistic evaluation (including students' test scores, work samples, and teacher observations) is conducted to determine each student's appropriate placement for the following semester.
Fees for English-Language Services
We are happy to share that as our program develops, we are rolling out a plan to remove the EAL fee for all families by the 2025-2026 school year.
Please see the Admissions Tuition and Fees page to determine if your child may be subject to an EAL fee for the 2024-25 school year.