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Our Lower School Curriculum Guide

Lower School children at Taipei American School are part of a joyful learning community, where asking questions, learning from mistakes, discovering new things are daily pursuits.

By prioritizing curiosity and the value of learning for its own sake, our students are guided through key curricular areas and specialty subjects by our world-class educators.  

The result? A lifelong love of learning and an unshakeable foundation for each child's personal and academic development.

Our students become eager readers, keen mathematicians, critical thinkers, and sensitive artists. They are ready to take healthy risks and look for creative solutions to problems big and small.  

We encourage you to explore our curricular offerings below and see just some of the unique experiences that our Lower School has to offer you and your family.

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Lower School Curriculum


See an overview of how the Lower School integrates the library into our students' schedules

Read More about Library

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