Character, Curiosity, Community
When adolescent minds are introduced to a broad range of subjects and electives, they have more opportunities to explore their interests during these formative years, and in the years to come.
Reinforcing Character
Our Middle School (Grades 6-8) places a strong emphasis on the development of each child's character, leaning into how each student can live out the TAS values of honesty, respect, responsibility, kindness, and courage each day. Both in and out of the classroom, our Middle School program is designed around the natural enthusiasm and curiosity of our students, and it seeks to support them during this crucial stage of their personal and academic development.
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The Middle is the Best Part
Hear from Mr. Josh Budde, Middle School Principal, about the life in the TAS Middle School.
Middle School Curriculum
Encouraging Curiosity
Our Middle School students follow an American curriculum, developed to help students be academically successful, and to become more independent, adaptable, and resilient, both as learners and as people.
In addition to traditional tests and quizzes, Middle School teachers create opportunities for children to demonstrate their knowledge, build communication skills, and see connections through hands-on activities, simulations, and projects. All students take the Comprehensive Testing Program in Grade 8, and our students regularly perform as well as or better than students at independent schools in the United States.
Explore our Middle School curriculum below, and see just how our students develop their confidence and discover their interests.
Homeroom and Beyond
The daily homeroom structure at TAS is where we provide a welcoming and safe environment, where students build strong and caring relationships with their homeroom teachers and each other. In Middle School, homerooms are the bedrock of the intentional well-being modeling and intentional wellness lessons, where students gain the confidence to share their thoughts and opinions and ask questions knowing their input is valued. Another staple program of the Middle School is Middle School Camp, when Grade 6-8 students go on a four-day extended field trip, outside of Taipei, for experiential learning and bonding with their classmates.
Our goal is for students to have a fundamental belief in their ability to learn and grow socially, emotionally, and academically. Part of the fun of Middle School is being able to explore new things, make mistakes, and try again!
Dr. Lori Richardson Garcia
Middle School Associate Principal
Community Support
The transition to Middle School is full of opportunities for personal and academic development, and our Middle School community nurtures our students each step of the way. Whether this means helping children develop healthy study habits, or teaching them to navigate different friendships, our homeroom and grade-level teachers work with our counselors to ensure that our students make a successful transition into this stage of their life. This close-knit community of learners tackles key academic and developmental goals during this three-year chapter of each student's learning journey.
Putting the Home in Homeroom
Our homeroom structure provides students with the daily opportunity to engage in important learning and discussion across a variety of topics, designed to develop their character in a supportive environment.
There's A Club for that!
Working in tandem with the academic program, we offer Middle School students many ways to discover their interests while building confidence. From a variety of sports and student clubs to MUN (Model United Nations), debate, and a variety of after-school activities, there is something for everyone in our Middle School!
A World of Choice
Learning and Language Support
We offer support services for all students. Our English as an Additional Language program is available for Grades K-8. We also offer academic support in Grades K-12, and speech/language support in Grades KA-12. Each program serves students with mild learning differences, with the goal of enabling every child in the program to thrive at TAS.
Meet the Middle School Admin Team
Discover More
Explore more of the people, places, and programs, that nurture our vibrant Tiger community.