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Welcoming New Families 

We're excited about the possibility of welcoming you to our community!

Our commitment is to guide prospective families through every step, ensuring a seamless transition into the unique TAS experience. Discover more about our intentional welcoming process below, and please reach out with any queries!

Rest assured that if and when your family does decide to become part of our learning community, we will be there to support your family through events, checklists, and so much more.


Prior to the Start of School

Admissions Interviews, Family Onboarding & Checklists

Taipei American School uses a comprehensive software system to keep track of all your family's most important paperwork and records to make your transition into our community a breeze. Our admissions team is here for you and your child. We keep everything organized so that you don't have to!

Online Portals & Communication Archives 

We believe that getting involved and staying connected is an essential part of the TAS experience. Our new families receive access to the New Family Welcome page on our Parent Zone, which is full of practical information, helpful tips, and FAQ created to help you seamlessly fit into the TAS community. 

Orientation Programs

New Family Orientation

Our New Family Orientation program is designed to help make the transition to our school community as smooth and enjoyable as possible.

Orientation is a fantastic opportunity for you to meet our faculty, staff, and other families, learn about our programs and policies, and ask any questions you may have. This event is designed to give you all the information you need to feel confident and ready for the school year ahead. 

Each division leads an orientation program, with some components taking place online and some on our beautiful campus. This important event series takes place twice a year – in the summer and in the winter – at our two enrollment times. It is thoughtfully designed with content for both parents and students. 

This new chapter in a family's story is a time filled with excitement and wonder, and we are so happy to be a part of that journey.  

If you are a new to TAS family, be sure to check your email from our Director of Admissions along with the TAS Parent Zone for up to date details about your child(ren)'s orientation!

"TAS has had a great impact on our daughter! Now she gets home and can't stop talking about her day at school, which is something she previously didn't do. TAS has taught her to enjoy learning at school. Now she is a little ambassador trying to persuade her little brother to join her at TAS!"

Eddy Chang & Elly Yang


New Student Orientation

The New Student Orientations are an integral part of the school's student mentor program, aimed at supporting new students during their transition.

With the guidance and support of both teachers and student ambassadors, new students can quickly adapt to the school's culture and academic demands.

The program features a campus tour, where students will be introduced to their classrooms, and parents will have the opportunity to complete final arrangements with Admissions.

Students will also have the chance to meet other new students from their grade level and get their questions answered about bus transportation, food services, and campus security.

Student Mentor Programs

Each year, dozens of current TAS students volunteer to welcome and support our new Tigers. We pair your child with a current TAS student who will serve as their guide and support system as they adjust to life at TAS. 

These programs are led by each division’s counselors to make sure that student belonging and connection are at the heart of the program.  

Student Ambassadors

We aspire to know and understand our students while ensuring that they have appropriate peer connections and adult advocates at every grade level. This begins with our work helping to transition new families into TAS.

The role of student ambassadors is to ensure that all new students feel included and valued from day one. Each divisional counseling office works with the Admissions Office to ensure that families are welcomed and find connections as quickly as possible.

In addition to providing helpful information sessions specifically designed for new families and maintaining close contact with teachers of new students, all three divisions train and oversee a network of buddies tasked with helping new students settle into TAS.

In the Upper School, these students are known as Reach Out buddies, in the Middle School, they are Student Ambassadors. In the Lower School, older students are selected to be classroom buddies to help students adjust.

Reach Out Program

REACH OUT is comprised of select TAS students that are trained to become mentors/buddies to incoming new students. In order to join REACH OUT, TAS students are nominated by faculty and counselors based on interpersonal sensitivity and leadership potential.

Once selected, REACH OUT training equips our students with active listening skills, empathetic understanding for their peers, and awareness of the relationship cycle with new students.

Every year, REACH OUT buddies work closely with new students and with the counseling office with the goal of providing a smooth and welcoming transition to the TAS community. Buddies keep in contact with the new students throughout the semester, sending out emails, inviting them to the social events, and answering any questions they might have along the way.

The Big Buddy Program

The Big Buddy program at TAS trains upper school students to be mentors for younger students in the Lower School.

Buddies spend time together engaging in activities like reading, talking, or playing games, helping Little Buddies build social skills and confidence.

The Big Buddies are supported throughout the year by the following activities hosted by the Upper School and Lower School counseling offices, such as:

  • Follow-up meetings: Checking-in, troubleshooting, debriefing, and providing support;
  • Bonding activities: Getting to know each other, and doing something special for the Little Buddies;
  • Year-end celebration and recognition.

Interested students can apply to the program in September and are required to complete 5 hours of mentor training before being matched with a Little Buddy. The program provides a valuable opportunity for students to make a positive impact on a younger student's life while developing crucial life skills.


  Our adults are not the only educators on campus! The TAS Student Mentor Program provides opportunities for students to take on leadership roles, and to learn from each other. This peer-to-peer learning environment helps students to thrive academically, personally, and socially. 

Michael O'Neill

Director of Admissions

Visit the New Family Welcome PageĀ 

A resources for our newest Tigers!

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