Algebra Preparation Summer Course- Grade 8

This course is designed to prepare rising grade 8 students who are enrolled in either the Algebra 1 or Enriched Algebra 1 course in the fall.  Some of the topics covered will include:

  • Real Numbers 
  • Linear Equations and Graphs
  • Inequalities
  • Rational Expressions
  • Polynomials and Factoring 
  • Radicals 
  • Relations and Functions
  • Exponents 
  • Quadratic Equations
We will engage in lab-based activities designed to enhance understanding of functions, graphing and slope.  A mixture of science and economic applications will provide a strong foundation for algebraic problem-solving, as well as opportunities for solving equations to help improve procedural fluency. 
Please note that the two sessions of this course are not identical. Session 2 builds upon what is taught in Session 1.  Enrollment in Session 2 of this course requires either completion of Session 1 or permission from the Math Department.  Completion of this course does not change the student’s math placement for the next semester. 
Please note if you register for a MS Math class, enrollment is pending approval from the Math Department. The TAS Summer Academy Office will contact you once approval has been granted.