Honors Biology (SAUSSCI07)

Duration: 4 weeks  
Credit: 1.0
Grade: 11-12
Prerequisite: Instructor Approval 
Homework: Heavy

The Honors Biology summer science course is rigorous and requires a significant amount of time for classwork and homework. Due to the intensive nature of this course, credit will not be given for students who miss more than 2 days of Summer Academy. 

Successful completion of this course will allow students to advance in the Upper School science track, but the credit for this summer course does not count toward the graduation credit requirement for science. Students must still complete three full credits of science during the normal academic school year, regardless of whether a summer science course has been taken. In the interest of student success, students are encouraged to speak with their current science teacher before registering for a Summer Academy science course.  

Please note if you register for an Upper School summer Science Course, enrollment is pending approval from the Department Chair & Summer Academy Director.  The Summer Academy Office will contact you once approval has been given.