Reading & Writing Summer Workshop - Grade 2

The Grade 2 reading and writing summer school program is designed to provide students with a balanced literacy framework that will help build reading, writing, listening and oral language skills. Children will develop a lifelong love of learning, improving their ability to express individual thoughts through independent reading workshops and individual writing workshops.

Essential skills that will be covered include:

  • The continual development of the overall literacy skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing.
  • Building a rich and descriptive vocabulary to retell, analyze, identify, discuss and reflect on their studies.
  • A study of the main elements of storytelling that include understanding of plot, setting, character and solutions.

All Grade 2 summer activities may include painting, arts & crafts, Reader’s Theater, Reader’s Workshop and Writer’s Workshop on their (theme) studies.

Session 1 and Session 2 of this course will explore different themes and topics, therefore students who enroll in both sessions will not be repeating the same course.