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Visit the Photos page under Fan Info to view or download high-resolution TAS athletics photos, which are also available via the US and MS team pages.
Visit our Schedule page to access our Practice & Competition Schedule for the current and upcoming weeks.
Visit the Photos page under Fan Info to view or download high-resolution TAS athletics photos, which are also available via the US and MS team pages.
Follow us @tasathletics on Facebook and Instagram for updates on our Tigers' achievements!
Visit our Schedule page to access our Practice & Competition Schedule for the current and upcoming weeks.
Visit the Photos page under Fan Info to view or download high-resolution TAS athletics photos, which are also available via the US and MS team pages.
Welcome to the NEW TAS Athletics Zone, within the larger Parent Zone.
This is the home for all athletic information for current families, including schedules, registration information, forms, the handbook, fan information, and more!
- Recent Results
- US Schedule This Week
- MS Schedule This Week
- Sign-Up to participate in Athletics
- Book An Appointment with Sports Medicine
- TAS Philosophy of Athletics
- Positive Coaching Alliance
Recent Results
US Schedule This Week
US Schedule
MS Schedule This Week
Sign-Up to participate in Athletics
Book An Appointment with Sports Medicine
TAS Philosophy of Athletics
The fundamental principle for competitive athletics at TAS is serving the education of the student. Athletics promotes and supplements the regular curricular program at school. Our concern is the personal development of each athlete, and even though winning is important, the coach’s primary interest is the athletes personal growth and emotional stability. With this in mind, each coach should make every attempt to instill in our athletes the following attitudes:
the competitive urge to excel
the commitment to be the best that they can be
the acceptance of officials’ decisions without argument
an understanding of their sport
the love and respect for their sport
a high sense of honor, duty and ethical character that is necessary for team play
the knowledge that participation is its own reward, and the special privileges for participants are not to be expected or condoned
a cooperative spirit
a sense of representing their community
Positive Coaching Alliance
As a part of TAS' continued focus on Character Education, the school is partnered with the Positive Coaching Alliance (PCA), a well-researched, reputable US-based organization dedicated to developing “Better Athletes, Better People” by working to provide all youth and high school athletes a positive, character-building youth sports experience. All coaches complete an annual PCA certification. Please visit for more information on PCA.
All coaches have completed the Double-Goal Coach certification through Positive Coaching Alliance. A Double Goal Coach’s goal is to create Triple Impact Competitor. These competitors focus on:
- Making yourself better
- Making your teammates better
- Making the game better
Other than an obvious endeavor for success in terms of score line, we will use the programs tools to ensure that athletes are better individuals, better teammates and honor the game.
Parents should become part of the team culture by also embracing these ideals and can also use the tools to join in this process. You may be interested in the parent section of the PCA website where you can learn more about how to be a Double-Goal Parent!
Fill their Emotional Tank
We have a magic ratio of 5:1. That is 5 positive comments before you can make a criticism of suggestion for improvement. It is important that an athlete’s emotional tank is full. Criticism empties an emotional tank and is not helpful in the progress of any athlete. Advice is normally best coming from the team coach.
The Tree of Mastery - The E.L.M Tree
Effort over Outcome
Setting an effort goal rewards the athlete regardless of an outcome that they do not have control over. An example is a batter setting the goal to run hard through first base on a grounder, rather than the goal being to beat the throw to first base. Outcome goals can discourage effort. Eventually Effort Goals will begin, over-time, to achieve the desired outcome.
Effort should be rewarded over Outcome.
It is essential that we continue to learn in every practice and in every game. A positive result may come without learning but this is not progress. Learning as an individual and as a team combines to make a stronger team and team culture
All athletes make mistakes – even the pros. Accepting that it is okay to make a mistake and learning to deal with a mistake are important tools in growing as a Double Goal Athlete. Coaches will give students the tools to cope with disappointment and learn from their mistakes.