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The School maintains school bus routes to most areas of residency in Taipei and its suburbs. All arrangements are made through the transportation office, located in Room 1B68.

MORNING BUSES are scheduled to deliver students to TAS at least five minutes before the first class.

AFTERNOON BUSES depart TAS approximately 10 minutes after class dismissal.

LATE BUS is provided at 5:30 PM for Middle and Upper School students participating in a scheduled after-school activity.

Bus Schedule


Late Start Day Bus

On these days, classes will commence at 9:30 AM, although campus will be open to students starting at 9:00 AM.β€―On Late Start Days, the cafeteria is not open to parents and guardians.

For students who ride the school bus, the Transportation Department will ensure that bus pickup times are communicated to families in advance.β€― Please note, after-school activities and bus services will operate as usual on Late Start Days.β€― If you have any questions about the modified bus schedule, please reach out to Ms. Sandy Lee in the Transportation Office.


2023-24 Transportation FAQ

Transportation Handbooks