Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice
As an organization of faculty and staff, the Diversity, equity, inclusion, and Justice (DEIJ) Committee concerns itself primarily with professional development and faculty dialogues.
The group also serves in a consultative capacity with the administration for broader schoolwide efforts and initiatives.
For more information, please contact Dr. Liz Gale, Deputy Head of School.
The DEIJ Committee members collectively authored what has now been adopted by Taipei American School as a community-wide commitment to the principles of diversity, justice, equity, and inclusion. That statement, listed below, will help to anchor community-wide goals and efforts moving forward.
Cultural Identity Celebration Months
This year will be the first year of the TAS Cultural Identity Celebration Months Calendar. Celebrating these identities is about bringing these marginalized identities to the forefront of our consciousness; it is not about only recognizing and honoring them on these months.  Each cultural identity month is a reminder for all of us to think about how we are going to honor and value these identities and cultures every day of the year.  “How can you be an ally to these communities?”  We all get to choose how we want to honor and value.  We hope that the celebration of these identity months can grow in future years in divisions, classrooms, with families, and more. 
The school’s current calendar includes:
- August – Diverse Families and Self
- September – Southwest Asia and North Africa (SWANA)
- October – LGBTQ+ Pride
- November – Indigenous Heritage
- December – Latine & Hispanic Heritage
- January – Jewish Heritage
- February – Black & African American Heritage
- March – Neurodiversity & Disability Pride
- April – Multiethnic Heritage
- May - AANHPIDA Heritage
- June & July – Yet to be determined by the DEIJ Committee.
Want to get involved?
Contact the TAS Cultural Connection group for more information on getting involved in the parent outreach branch of DEIJ work