Counseling & Wellbeing
TAS counselors promote all students’ social, emotional, academic, and multicultural competencies in a safe, respectful, and motivating school environment.
This is achieved through a collaborative partnership of school personnel, parents, and community with the purpose of preparing all students for wellness, academic success, lifelong learning, and global citizenship.
Our counselors are readily available contacts for students and parents if questions or concerns arise anytime during the year. This is achieved through a collaborative partnership of school personnel, parents, and community with the purpose of preparing all students for wellness, academic success, lifelong learning, and global citizenship.
In the Lower School, our counseling team works with students to support their overall well-being. The counselors help students develop a feeling of belonging in our school community and make meaningful connection with their peers and teachers; they also help students learn to recognize, understand, label, express and regulate their emotions. In addition, counselors provide support around friendships, family relationships, and personal identity. Lower School counselors work closely in partnership with parents to support their child. Students and families may be referred to outside counselors or agencies when appropriate.
Our counselors are a part of the daily life of the Lower School, advocating for students as they collaborate with classroom teachers and administrators. Counselors host parent education events in response to community needs, coordinate the new student orientation program, and support social emotional learning in the classroom. Our counselors are visible, trained professionals with an open door. Any member of the school community who is concerned about someone, including one’s self, should reach out to a counselor.
Meet the Lower School Counseling Team
Lower School Counselor,
Team Lead
Jenn Fisher
Grades 3 & 5
Lower School Counselor
Bridget Hall
Grades K1 & 2
Lower School Counselor
Rebecca Schiff
Grades K & 1
 Lower School Psychologist All Classes |
In compliance with Taiwan law and the child protection policy, the School is required to report cases of suspected child abuse or neglect. Students and families may be referred to outside counselors or agencies when appropriate.
Any member of the school community who is concerned about someone, including one’s self, should reach out to a counselor and/or psychologist.